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College Fair 2023
NBHS College Fair featuring 75 Institutions
The largest such event in the region, New Bedford High School’s Annual Fall College Fair is expected to draw students and families from the city and across greater New Bedford, Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. in the Beardsworth-Gonsalves Gym, New Bedford High School, 230 Hathaway Blvd., New Bedford, Mass. 02740. Featuring more than 75 institutions, the College Fair is free and open to the public. Ample free parking is available. “The participating organizations include traditional colleges, technical schools, and military branches. It is important that our students know that there are many different pathways to choose after graduation. We are here to help all our students be Opportunity Ready!” states Jennifer McGuire, NBPS College & Career Information Coordinator. The event provides an opportunity for all students to speak with multiple representatives under one roof regarding their future college-career planning. Recommending the College Fair as an efficient and productive use of time, Ms. McGuire noted, “it’s not too early for ninth and tenth graders to start exploring options for after high school. Speaking with representatives at a college fair helps younger students to understand how to prepare themselves—what courses to take, why it is important to be involved in school and community activities, and how to best set themselves up for success in the admissions process.” Attendees may register in advance at www.strivefair.com/newbedford.
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Carney Academy Playground Ribbon Cutting
'A dream come true': Carney Academy Playground a multiyear team effort
Students first inspired a group of teachers to organize and fundraise for a new playground at Sgt. William Carney Academy. The existing playground was decades old and very small. School counselor Heather Macedo recalls, “One day in a fourth grade class, students asked, ‘when are we going4 to get a new playground? We can’t play on it because it’s too small and there’s many students.’ More questions from the class included concern for their fellow students who were cognitively and physically limited and had less access. I said Wow!” Ms. Macedo reached out to her Carney colleagues, Special Education Teacher Katelyn Poitras, and Teaching & Learning Specialists, Jodie Maitoza and Gina Amancio. The group agreed that based on student input, what was needed was a greatly expanded playground to accommodate the entire student population and neighborhood children for off-hours use. Ms. Maitoza agreed, “It was a wow moment for me, too. It was clear this needed to be a playground for the community as well.”
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NBPS Family Welcome Center receives backpacks from Cradles to Crayons
NBPS Family Welcome Center staff unloads backpacks
2,500 backpacks from Cradles to Crayons Massachusetts had the staff of NBPS Family Welcome Center busy Friday morning receiving the huge donation. NBPS Registrar Julie Mador notes, “For nearly ten years, they have continued to support our students by providing thousands of backpacks and very necessary school supplies. Cradles to Crayons and their corporate donors’ steadfast generosity have helped so many New Bedford families and we are so grateful for their continued partnership.”
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NB Students partner with NB Research and Robotics
NB Students partner with NB Research and Robotics
Superintendent O’Leary presented the NBRR team with a small token of our appreciation, the Superintendent's Community Partner Award.
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Hathaway Student Reviews Construction Plans
Hathaway student acting construction manager
Hathaway student Kingston Moultrie was construction manager for a morning, as his school undergoes top-to-bottom renovations this summer. Kingston and his family met for a worksite meeting with Mr. Josefek, president of Architectural Consulting Group, Inc.. and toured the work in progress. Major upgrades include new doors and windows, classroom renovations, new flooring and ADA improvements throughout. Kingston enters 5th Grade this year.
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NBHS IT Academy teacher with students
NBHS Info Tech Program receives NAF recognition
IT Academy teacher and A.P. Computer Science Content Director/Specialist Isaiah Houtman (left) discusses operation of a high-speed mechatronics system used in industrial automation applications with IT students Kevin Ayala, Victoria Arribada, Tucker Duarte and Gabriela Tsaliagos.
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