Finance and Operations

The Finance and Operations Department supports employees and is primarily responsible for managing the payroll, materials ordering, payables, budgeting, financial accounting, reporting, and auditing. The Department includes the offices of: Bookkeeping, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food Service, Payroll, Print Shop, and Transportation.
For Local Budget questions/concerns regarding billing or payment status, or to send an invoice, please contact the Bookkeeping Office at: [email protected].
For Grant Budget questions/concerns regarding
billing or payment status, or to send an invoice, please contact the Grants Accountability Office at: [email protected].
For any other inquiries, please contact the Finance & Operations Office at: [email protected].

School Department Budget

The Budget Book is designed to provide an overview of all School Committee funds: Local Budget, Special Revenue Funds including Grants, Revolving Accounts, Food Service. The purpose of the annual book is to give the reader a grasp of the revenue parameters (state aid and local contributions) for the coming fiscal year including  all potential salary and general expense costs (showing where costs fall, are listed and accounted for). Budget priorities are aligned with and informed by our Strategic Plan process, school level feedback sessions and regular stakeholder surveys.

Budget Reporting
Each month the Finance & Operations office presents current financial reports to the school committee to allow for transparent oversight of school spending. Meetings are broadcast live and meeting recordings are available on New Bedford Cable access NB Cable Access Link. Monthly reports are posted here: Monthly Monitoring Reports Link.

School Spending
At its simplest the budget is made up of salaries & wages and goods and services. 
Salary and wage rate and payments are determined by collective bargaining and individual contracts  posted here: Contracts Link. The purchase of goods and services is managed by Finance & Operations team members trained and qualified in public procurement City of New Bedford Purchasing Department's Manual of Policy & Procedures 2018.

Procurement of Goods
Goods and services category can encompass school supplies, departmental supplies, software subscriptions and maintenance of same, legal services, and also include vendor provider services in those areas where the district's "in house" capacity is limited (nursing services , ABA services etc.) 
Tangible supplies are procured consistent with Massachusetts General Law 30B guidelines, a with a large percentage of tangible supplies purchased under cooperative or state bid contracts. The district has successfully partnered with the following cooperatives and purchasing collaboratives: MA OSD, MHEC, TIPS. TEC, AEPA.  Such contracts are bid in advance and are available for the district to purchase allowing best value, compliant procurement. 

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A   M   O     T      TIPS