Our Vision
New Bedford Public Schools endure to provide a safe, developmentally inclusive environment for pre-kindergarten children. Our focus is to provide a stimulating early learning experience which promotes each child's social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Our goal is to support and nurture children's development through play and to provide diverse learning opportunities to enrich children's desire to be life-long learners. We are committed to the families we serve, providing support, and encouragement by building strong, foundational relationships.
A Message From Our Early Childhood Manager
Thank you for choosing New Bedford Public Schools (NBPS) for your child's pre-kindergarten experience. The pre-kindergarten years are the most important years of development for gaining foundational skills, and building positive social and emotional experiences.
Here at NBPS, learning through play is an important aspect in our pre-kindergarten vision, as play is a vital part of children's learning and development. Play fosters cognitive, emotional, and social development in children while increasing their creativity and expressiveness.
Play is a way children express thoughts, practice skills and work through anxieties. Along with play experiences, our pre-kindergarten and kindergarten curriculum focuses on learning experiences in the developmental areas: social and emotional approaches to play, English language arts, language, mathematics, and science, technology and engineering.
Again, I would like to thank you for choosing NBPS and welcome you to our pre-kindergarten programs.
-Lesley Guertin
Early Childhood Manager