Teacher of the Visually Impaired
The Teacher of
the Visually Impaired provides instruction in Braille, assistive
technology, and compensatory techniques. The service we provide is
called vision education or vision instruction, not to be confused with
vision therapy, vision training or behavioral optometry which is
provided by optometrists.
Orientation and Mobility Teacher
Orientation and mobility (O&M) instruction enables blind and low vision students to learn safe and purposeful travel.
training is designed to improve the student's grasp of spatial and
environmental concepts and use of information received by the senses for
negotiating travel. We teach the use of low vision aids and/or the long
cane to supplement visual travel skills for navigating the
Orientation and Mobility Paraprofessional
Paraprofessionals are mandated for select visually impaired students
who receive O&M instruction. They are only mandated to students who
are unsafe independent travelers in the school upon completion of an
evaluation from an O&M expert.