Learning and Academics

Covid FAQs

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Learning and Academics: 

  1. Can my child participate in distance or hybrid learning for the 2021-2022 School Year?
    No. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education requires students be in school 180 days per year. Distance and hybrid learning models do not qualify to meet this requirement. If a family wishes to HOME SCHOOL their student, that is permissible, but the student would be withdrawn from the New Bedford Public Schools following the acceptance of a Home School Plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.newbedfordschools.org/parents___students/home_schooling_info 
  2. Does my child have to wear a mask at school?
    Yes, as of August 25th, 2021, masks are required for all students, staff, and visitors regardless of vaccination status and must wear masks indoors while in any NBPS facility. Face masks will not be required when students are outside, when an individual is working alone or in a segregated space, or if there are any underlying conditions or extenuating circumstances as outlined last year. 
  3. If my student has symptoms, can they go to school? 
    Parents or caregivers should monitor their children for signs of infectious illness and students who are sick should not attend school.  It is important to stay home when you are sick until at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever (temperature of 100.4 or higher without the use of fever reducing medicine like Tylenol). Please complete this short checklist each morning and report your child’s information to New Bedford Public Schools in the morning before your child leaves for school. 
    Click Here for Daily Home Screening Checklist
    1. Anyone who is in close contact (household contact or within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) of a known COVID-19 case should consult their doctor and stay home.   
  4. Where can I get access to resources for learning at home? 
    Students need to be in school on a regular basis. Learning from home is not ideal and is not a regular part of the 2021-2022 School Year program. Please contact your child(ren)'s schools and teachers directly for more information on assignments and instruction when students need to be home for valid reasons. 
  5. Will students receive report cards and progress reports? 
    Yes! The school year is planned as usual for 180 days of instruction with regular reporting on student progress. Please click here to view the 2021-2022 Progress Report and Report Card schedule.  
  6. How will  the school community provide information about COVID guidelines for this year? 
    The district will continue to monitor and follow the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and state guidance and will act in concert with it. NBPS will continue to use current communication channels that include the website, automated phone calls, social media, and more to share updates often. To update your contact information to ensure you are staying up to date, please visit the NBPS website.